F3 Medina


Wed., Aug. 7, 2024


Wed., Aug. 7, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Dynamics and stretchy things


PAX started at home plate and used different modalities of movement c/coupon to reach first, second, third base and back to home.
MLB – Murder Bunny, Lunges, Bear Crawl c/ coups!

Round 1:
PAX completed each exercise together
Home plate: (x10) Blockees/Manmakers
Murder Bunny to
First base: (x20) Derkins
Lunges c/coupon to
Second base: (x30) Triceps
Bear Crawl c/coupon to
Third base: (x40) Bent Rows
Walk home with coupon

Round 2:
PAX completed the same sets but OYO and waited for the six at the end with planks and/or squats.

Round 3:
PAX completed each exercise together
Home plate: (x50) overhead press
Murder Bunny to
First base: (x60) curls for the girls
Lunges c/coupon to
Second base: (x70) lawnmowers (x35ea. arm)
Bear Crawl c/coupon to
Third base: (x80) chest press (x40 each arm dominant)
Walk home with coupon

* Ran out of time for another homer!


circle of pain 20 count for each PAX for a total of 200 counts/reps but the time we were done. Planks, LBCs, big bois, scissors, bicycles, more planks, slow hold merkins, swimmers, boat holds, Spider-Mans.


continuing with the vibe of being the anchor for your family….meet your loved ones where they are at. Whether it be your M or your children or your s.o. If they only have 25% to give, step up and be the extra 75% to get them to 100. Be the rock, be the foundation, be the source of strength for your loved ones.