F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., Apr. 16, 2024


Tue., Apr. 16, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Various fun nature-inspired moves. The Pax warmed up with Bat Wings and stretching; Form running.  From goal line did animal moves followed by pax choice Gazelle run to endzone; 15 yard Bear crawl; or Bob Ross/Tree Huggers on goal line.  Duck walk, frog jump, aligator merkins.  Then cirlces up for ocean-inspired, moon-controlled moves: THE WAVE.  High plank to (Whooaaaa) merkin. 15 rounds.  Low leg lift to (Whooaaaa) high, 20 rounds.  Bottom of merkin to (Whooaaaa) merkin, 7 rounds.  One more frog jump G/B/BR.  Finished with Mary.


Doing a class on the (proper) role of a men and part of it is examining what true strength is.  There are a lot of mixed up ideas out there, so sometimes it gets confusing.   But, I think, what strength ISN’T is hyper/toxic masculinity that aims for complete dominance, that excuses anger, and that takes pride in closed mindedness (deals in fear, manipulation etc).  And it’s good to self-examine and see in our day-to-day experience where we are called to show others patience, kindness, forgiveness, in humility— where we are called to lead others through with those traits, even when that sometiems doesn’t get us what we want immediately.  I think we can all agree, it takes true strength to persevere through those moments, especially when they pile up and doubt or discouragement comes into play.  I think THEN, in those moments, that’s when it’s time to start to dominate.  At least that’s what I’m thinking about.  Anyway, get out there a be truly strong.