F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Mar. 14, 2024

Not dora

Thu., Mar. 14, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Comeback Kid


Farmer carries and whatnot. Pax partnered with two coupons. While one Pax Farmer carried the two coupons down the parking lot the other did walking lunges next to them. At the end of the lot we switched and headed back up the lot. This was done for a total of 3x. Then we switched to Farmer Carries and bear crawls and did this 3x. There was mumble chatter that this still resembled a Dora. I guess some folks just have no imagination. Then we used the foam multi-sided dice of leg and core work for some fun! @Peaches started off with 20 burpees and it went downhill from there.


when there is something we are avoiding it’s usually for 1 of two reasons: 1. Fear or 2. Laziness. I shared about a conversation that I was avoiding and how I heard about those two reasons on a podcast and it spurred me to take action.