F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., May. 2, 2024


Thu., May. 2, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



SSH x 20, Arm Circles, Tappy Taps, Sun Salutations


4 stations set up in a cross format
(2 Big Boys stations and 2 Curl stations). With a Merkin station in middle.  Pax performed 20 reps at each station moving clockwise, running back to center each time.  AMRAP- as many rounds as possible


20,15,10,5 x Big Boys (easy way to get 50reps in), then pax closed the circle and while staying on their six and with legs raised, we passed the Coupon around the circle for a couple rounds (more difficult than it sounds).


Today my words had a more scientific lean as discussion turned to behavior.  How many times do you say “I want to do that” but you never end up doing it.  Try using the COM-B method.  The COM-B method stands for Capability- Can you physically perform the action? Opportunity- Do you have the time to perform the action?  Motivation- How motivated are you to perform the action?  Examine all 3 sections and break down the action you want to perform.  Most of us have capability and opportunity but fall short on motivation.  Thats when you need to decide that maybe you really don’t want what you think you want.