F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., Dec. 12, 2024

Software Beatdown

Thu., Dec. 12, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



After grabbing coupons, we Started with some good old fashioned ‘Sally Up’ Squats and ‘Pump It Up’ Pesses to get warmed up nicely. Then the PAX circled up in the end zone. One person ran to the 50 yard line and back while another picked an exercise for the group.


I was at a breakfast yesterday where a guy was talking about needing to remove the masks that he’s been hiding behind (and at times not even realizing). It’s time for us to start letting our true authentic selves out. I know this is way easy in speak than putting into practice, but this a goal of mine for 2025.