F3 Copley

The Beastmother

Thu., Apr. 25, 2024

Spring is here

Thu., Apr. 25, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Arm Circles, Tappy Taps, SSH (25), Abe Vigodas, Bear Squats, Michael Phelps


Round 1
Merkins X20
Hill Sprint
Decline Merkins X20
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint
Incline Merkins X20
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint / Hill Sprint

Round 2
Coupon Shoulder Press X20
Hill Sprint
Alpos X20
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint
Rows L/R X20 each
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint / Hill Sprint

Round 3
Coupon Squats X20
Hill Sprint
Monkey Humpers 4 count X20
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint
Line Jumps Sideways X40 / Forward X20
Hill Sprint / Backward Hill Sprint / Hill Sprint


Coupon Side Crunches, Big Boys X40, Flutter Kicks, Wipers, Freddie Mercuries

Kick start your heartavator to finish:  SSH with a burpee on every “Woah Yeah!”


To often we focus on every thing else instead of embracing the moment.  Be in the present and enjoy the moment, it will not last forever.