F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Sep. 23, 2024

Squealer’s Belated Birthday Q

Mon., Sep. 23, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



We did a four corner escalator with alternating bear crawls and moseys between stations. The escalator circuit consisted of:10 Merkins
20 LBCs
30 Squats
40 SSHs
50 Mountain climbers
60 Monkey Humpers
70 Flutter Kicks
80 Air Press
100 Big Boys (actually 50 B.B.s and 50 LBCs because my cadence sucked on that one!)


What’s old is new againWhat’s old is me (after my birthday last week) and the essence of this Q. The very first time I led an F3 workout was a little over 5 years ago in June of 2019. I was in roughly the same shape then that I’m in now. Much like today, I was leading a workout with men in a lot better shape than me and I designed a workout that was more focused on keeping me from falling behind rather than something I thought would really challenge the super fit guys in the group (@Flo @S’mores).To my surprise, even with a smaller area workout, the fitness junkies in the group got a good workout and all seemed grateful that I was willing to take a turn leading the group. From there, I was pretty regular in the rotation right through the launch of Medina’s AO in late 2020 and the years that followed.What’s new in this is the escalator format. I’ve relied on escalator type workouts in many of my recent Qs, but like so many things in the world of F3, a minor tweak here or there can result in a completely new thing.What else is new is my taking a personal inventory on the occasion of my birthday and realizing that I need to make more time for F3 workouts and more time for my family. This one is new but it’s also old… in my adult life both my commitment to fitness and my commitment to keeping my family as my top priority has faced challenges.These challenges most typically come when I’m striving for (i.e., distracted by) other goals that in the moment seem to be the “most important thing.” They usually are important, but they are never important enough to allow them to compromise the obligation I have to be the husband and father my family needs me to be.Ironically, but likely not surprising to those of you who’ve experienced the benefits of this group in your life for an extended period of time, the times when I’m most involved in and committed to F3 are the times when I’m least likely to get my other (family, work, fun) responsibilities out of whack.So, what’s old is new again in that in taking stock of my 44th year on the earth, I realized that I’ve once again fallen into some old bad habits that make me worse at achieving the things that are the most important in my life. I’m going to spend my 45th year pushing myself to improve in those areas. I’m not going to make any grand projections about what that improvement looks like (I probably STILL won’t make 200 workouts in the next year), but I’m going to apply myself to it like I did when I was new to the group and was just worried about keeping up. I know I don’t need to ask, but I hope you all will help hold me accountable to these goals as well.It was my great pleasure to lead the group this morning. I hope those of you who made it out today find that it contributed something beneficial to your day. And I hope to see those of you who didn’t make it out today at a workout in the very near future.