F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., May. 30, 2024

The Anniversary

Thu., May. 30, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Pax partnered up and performed a Dora style workout. One partner ran to the 50 yard line, did 1 Surrender and ran back to the goal line. The other partner chipped away at the followng exercises:

100 Merkins
100 Big Boys
100 Curls
100 Squats



Lyrics from a song by Matthew West:

If I were You I would’ve given up on me by now
I would’ve labeled me a lost cause
‘Cause I feel just like a lost causeIf I were You I would’ve turned around and walked away
I would’ve labeled me beyond repair
‘Cause I feel like I’m beyond repairI used to hide
Every time I thought I let You down
I always thought I had to earn my way
But I’m learning You don’t work that way’Cause somehow You don’t see me like I do
Somehow You’re still hereYou’re the God who stays
You’re the one who runs in my direction
When the whole world walks away
You’re the God who stands
With wide open arms
And You tell me nothing I have ever done can separate my heart
From the God who staysMy shame can’t separate
My guilt can’t separate
My past can’t separate
My sin can’t separate
My scars can’t separate
My failures can’t separate
I’m Yours forever