F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Mar. 7, 2024

The Quitter’s Olympics

Thu., Mar. 7, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park

Scratch n Sniff


1 full tennis area suicide, at each court’s boundary lines


Each Exercise performed until 1st person failed, and last person failed.  Then, a coin was flipped.
Heads: winner shoots loser with nerf gun
Tails: loser shoots winner with nerf gunExercises consisted of bodyweight exercises:
Plank holds

At the end of 30 minutes, the person who finished last the most got to keep the nickel. @Squid is now $0.05 richer, but there’s not enough money to buy a tootsie roll.


As I’ve belabored to some of you over the past week, I reluctantly cancelled my Brazilian jiujitsu membership after only attending 1 month of classes.I struggled with the need to quit to avoid serious injury, versus my desire to always persevere and never give up on something. It may sound trivial, but it weighed heavily on my mind. Would people view me as a quitter, weak, or someone unwilling to do the difficult things? I’ve always strived to be the opposite and enjoyed making people uncomfortable as the guy people say, “You put yourself through what?!?!” to others. In the end, I realized that it doesn’t matter what anyone outside my circle of true family and friends thinks. And even then, what truly matters is if I’m aligned with my belief system.  I owe myself and my abilities to the Lord, my wife and kids, my family, and my friends.  If sustaining a serious BJJ injury would have kept me from those obligations, it would not have been worth it.  Like I have with other areas of my life, I cut out something I enjoyed to achieve a greater return in other areas; alcohol, social media, and now BJJ fighting.What areas are holding you back? Why haven’t you cut them out of your own life yet?   So today I’ll tell you that it’s ok to be a quitter, but make sure it’s for the right reasons!