F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., Oct. 15, 2024

The Whirlpool Workout

Tue., Oct. 15, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



It was a dark, rainy morning. With gloves on and a cheery disposition, we ventured out onto the field ready take on whatever challenge lay ahead. Perhaps some were hoping for a lighter workout, but we know corporate is watching. Alas, we forged ahead…

Round 1 (10 min) – Squat Jumps followed by a dumbbell press from the goal line to the 20 yd. line. Followed by 10 Merkins. Followed by Plank Walk back to the goal line. Followed by 10 more Merkins. Repeat

Round 2 (10 min) – Lunges followed by a dumbbell lateral raise to the 20 yd. line. The rest was same as above.

Round 3 (10 min) – Sprint to the 20 back to goal line and back to 20. The rest same as above.


A shout out to the amazing fathers in our group. I’m always impressed with the time, attention, and resources you guys invest in your children. What a blessing to them that they may not always realize or appreciate at times. The fruits of these efforts are evident as we watch these kiddos grow up and start to make decisions on their own. It’s rocky at times and mistakes will be made but the impact and influence we have as fathers is tremendous. Prayers for those that do not have a father present or lack a positive male role model in their lives.