F3 Copley
For Whom the Bell Tolls
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022
Various KB exercises
Tue., Dec. 13, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Crew Chief
All sets were 20 reps
- Squat Thrusters
- Curls
- Alpos
- Tricep Press
- 100 yard run and 20 KB swings
- Squat to Press Out
- One arm row. R
- One arm row. L
- LBCs
- 100 yard run and 20 KB swings
- X chop. R
- X chop. L
- Overhead pullovers
- Weighted Squats
- 100 yard run and 20 KB swings
- Curls
- Alpos
- Tricep Press These four done kneeling
- Press Outs
- 100 yard run and 20 KB Swings
- Flutter Kicks
- Pass the Butter