F3 Brunswick

Basin Beatdown

Tue., Mar. 19, 2024

Voting Day for Issue 6-66

Tue., Mar. 19, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Lake Brunswick

Scratch n Sniff


Since it was voting day, cold as heck, and nobody wanted to work out with me, I exercised our Brunswick right to vote for Issue 6 and centered the workout around the number 6 and did it in time for the polls to open.
Since I forewent one of our tenants of working outside, I don’t know if this counts as a F3 workout. Regardless, this is what went down should you want to do it on your own and outdoors. Q @Scratch ‘n Sniff

6 squats
66 merkins

66 calf raises
6 burpees

66 sec bear plank
6 (substituted minutes on the rowing machine for) 40yd sprints


66 tae bow twists (33/side)
66 mountain climbers
66 pickle pointers
66 second plank


We live in a country that allows us to vote for what we believe in. Today is a voting day and there will be another in the fall.
Whether you choose to vote or not, stop and be thankful to live in a place where your voice can be heard. Many have fought and died for this ability. Stop, breathe, and appreciate the sacrifice someone was willing to make on your behalf.Today’s workout was a little shorter to allow us to get to the polls when they open at 6:30 and vote anyway you choose. Issue 6 on the ballot supports Brunswick schools, which is where today’s theme came from. Have a great day, here in America!