F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., May. 2, 2024

Working Men

Thu., May. 2, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park

Scratch n Sniff


We all worked while 1 HIM took PTO.

PTO: jog 1 tennis court lap
Working Man’s Exercise Choices:

  1. KB swings with kb
  2. Curls with coupon
  3. Shovel work with shovel


Each person picked an exercise to perform for 15x reps (15 days of PTO per year). Each person had 2 opportunities to do so.


This workout was titled working men. I had no plans when I named the workout, but I did randomly have lunch with my dad yesterday. He and I worked next to each other for 13 years. This workout was Q’d in his honor. I’m sure each of you has at least 1 someone you look up to, or has taught you a lot in life.  Consider this message as your reminder to check in with them and contact them.  Do it today and say thank you for what they’ve done for you and the man they’ve helped you become. Do this as soon as you get back to sit in your car to drive home; don’t wait!