F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Feb. 22, 2024

Workout: Rope a Dope Battle

Thu., Feb. 22, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park

Scratch n Sniff


minimal stretchy things


1 pax battle roped 30x reps on the strings while the others performed a seperate set of exercises until completion, then they rotated positions. This routine was kept up for 30 minutes.-lunge hold
-squat hold
-dip hold


1 person held a chest or back extension on the ropes while the other did a 6” hold. 3 rounds of this performed.


It’s been a week of random health items that popped up.My wife’s uncle moved to hospice and passed away within 3 days.
A coworker had an unexpected heart attack and may opt for early retirement instead of coming back to work.
A different coworker’s parent suffered a massive stroke during a routine operation and barely survived.We can’t control when death comes for us; and it comes for us all.  But, we can keep our bodies and minds as healthy as possible by making good choices, exercising, eating right, and having a faith-system to follow that keeps us unworried about an afterlife.I’m grateful for this group, the men it has put in my path, and the opportunities it affords me to make myself better and keep death cowering in a corner and afraid to come our way.