F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Aug. 19, 2024

Ode to Forrest

Mon., Aug. 19, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Carried coupons around track, stopping to do an escalator exercise every 100 meters
5 man makers
10 burpees
15 Squat thrusts
20 Bulgarian Squats
25 Upright rows
30 Derkins
35 Bent Rows
40 Merkins
45 Tricep extensions
50 OH Press
55 Narrow Squats
60 Squats
65 Wide Squats
70 Curls (for the @Fockers)
75 Calf Raises
80 Cherry Pickers


F3 has certainly been a life changer for me.  I’ll get to the obvious F first, fitness.  There are certainly things I can do now that I couldn’t do four years ago.  There are tons more things that I do more comfortably than I could for years ago.  My resting heart rate, blood pressure, cholesterol, and general health are all far better.  Going out of order, my second F(aith) has been greatly strengthened by this group.  Listening to other’s COTs, ending prayers, and thanks to @Wahoo, finding a church home have all led to me deepening my relationship with Christ.  The third F(ellowship) may be the most profound for me.  The men of this group, and the relationships we’ve developed are something to cherish.  @Shugah with his crazy generosity.  @Wall-E always pushing me to watch my form.  Happy hours with @Garmin and @Dash.  Helping @Squealer with his campaigns in any way I possibly can.  And countless others of you who have touched my life in so many ways.  As much as I give to this group, I could never equal what is given back to me.  I thank each of you for your support, your motivation, and most of all, your friendship.  Special thanks to @Forrest and @Money for getting me started on this journey.
Prayers to all the kiddos of Medina heading back to school today.  May it be a safe and prosperous year!