F3 Hudson

The OG

Sat., Dec. 7, 2024

Tribute to F3 JAX Pearl Harbor Day 2023 Beatdown

Sat., Dec. 7, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Christ Community Chapel


Monkey Humpers, Turn n Bounce, Tappy Taps, SSH, Franken’ Walks


 Figure 8 beatdown with 4 stations. 20 Reps each.

  • Coupon Station – Coupon Swings, Curls, Overhead Press… Mosey to next station.
  • AB Stations – LBCs, V-ups, Low or High Planks… Mosey to next station.
  • Leg Station – Calf raises, Squats, Mike Tyson Merkins… Mosey to next station.
  • Triple D Station – Diamond Merkins, Dips, Derkins… Mosey to next station.

Rifle Carries (light pole to light pole), Curls (20 reps), Bear Crawl to middle light pole, Lt. Dans (20 reps), Bear Crawl back to Coupons, Rifle Carries back to far light pole, Coupon Squats (20 reps).
Finished with 2 sprints light pole to light pole.


Remembering today and everyday those that lost their lives during the divesting attacks on Pearl Harbor 83 years ago. Thank you men for you guidance and support! Great to be back together with you this morning! Special thanks to @Waddle for picking up coffee! Awesome conversation following the beatdown! Let’s keep the momentum rolling for the final month of the year and into 2025! #SYITG