F3 Medina


Wed., Jun. 1, 2022

Balls Required

Wed., Jun. 1, 2022 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Each PAX had a ball that supported his body weight.

Round 1: Arms

  • Ball merkins
    • Right hand on ball x 10
    • Left hand on ball x 10
    • Both hands on ball x 10
  • Ball burpees x 5
  • Repeat
  • Lap (sprint the straightaways, jog the curves)

Round 2: Legs

  • Ball squats
    • Single leg (R)
    • Single leg (L)
    • Heartbeat (both, extend ball out as you hold squat for a couple beats before going back up)
  • Ball burpees x 5
  • Repeat
  • Guardian Lap

Round 3: Cardio

  • Mountain climbers (90 seconds)
  • Ball burpees x 5
  • Mountain climbers (60 seconds)
  • Ball burpees x 5
  • Mountain climbers (30 seconds)
  • Ball burpees x 5
  • Guardian lap


Round 4: Core

  • Ball V-Ups x 10
  • Ball crunch holds x 10
  • Repeat


5 hours of time spent in the wild per week has similar effects as prescription drugs for your mental well being. Also, 3 days is the ultimate magic number to detoxify your mind/body/spirit. As you plan family vacations this year, perhaps consider a camping trip to give your family a nature-infused refill.