F3 Copley
The Motivator
Mon., Nov. 4, 2024
MBC 15
Mon., Nov. 4, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
The Pax performed the following in a rinse and repeat style:
15 Merkins
Bear Crawl 15 Yards
15 Reps of an ab/core workout
Bear Crawl 15 Yards
I’ve been talking to a lot of people the last couple weeks about my struggles with parenting Josh and his battles with the World. We talked about it yesterday at coffee and @Hardware asked me a question that left me pondering throughout the day. His question was something like this:
I know you’ve talked about Josh’s unbelievable work ethic, do you tell him and praise him about itThe answer was “Yes I have talked to him about it”. But after leaving coffee I couldn’t stop thinking about that question. I realized that although I do compliment him for his good work ethic sometimes, I complain more about the things I don’t like more.My challenge to myself (and the PAX of you so choose) is to start thinking about and talking about the good things a lot more and dwelling on the negative things a lot less.