F3 Stow
The Motivator
Tue., Mar. 4, 2025
1 by 4 by 6...
Tue., Mar. 4, 2025 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School
1) Jack Webb: 1 merkin, 4 air presses; 2 merkins, 8 air presses….6 Merkins 24 air presses.
2) “Ronnie Coleman” (Misny made up the name – he’s the first Google result for “Who has the most muscular legs”): 1 air squat, 4 lunge steps (single count)…6 air squats, 24 lunges.
3) Captain Thor: 1 big boy, 4 American Hammers (Russian twists)…6 big boys, 24 American Hammers
We then went backwards from 6 to 1 on the Jack Webb and Ronnie Coleman (both ways were awful by the way)
My M and I went to church in WV with our daughter at the church she attends. The Pastor’s message was all about sin. He Said that when we sin, we typically follow 1 of 2 paths. Path 1 is the Pretending Path where we minimize/justify the sin (it’s not that bad, everyone does it…). Path 2 is the Performing Path where we try to perform for God to make up for out sin (I’m going to volunteer more hours, I’m going to give more to the church…). When we go down either of these pass we are minimizing what Christ did for us on the cross, basically saying either it wasn’t enough or that it didn’t need to be done.
We should really go down a 3rd Path which is Running to the Cross with the sin. Bringing it to God, laying it at the cross, asking for forgiveness and help.We had great conversations at Coffeeteria at Nervous Dog discussing Chapters 11 & 12 of Uncommen.Thanks for letting me lead. Waddle is up next on Thursday, so get your rest….