F3 Medina

The Hive

Mon., Nov. 13, 2023


Mon., Nov. 13, 2023 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School



Some static stretches and dynamic exercises


Mini HYROX exercises with or without coupons as PAX needed

Lap 1
x10 Burpees/Blockees
x10 Merkins/Derkins
x10 Reverse Lunge/weighted (1 is 1)
x10 Jump Squat

Lap 2
x20 Triceps/Dips
x20 Lunges/weighted
x20 Cross arm front raise
x20 Squats/weighted

Set 3
x30 – Coupon Swings
x30 – Bent over row
x30 – Shoulder press
x30 – Rifle Carry to 30 yds and back
*Run 3rd lap

Set 4
x40 – Chest Press
x40 – Curls for the Girls
x40 – Incline Merkins/Merkins
x40 – Mountain Climbers
*Run 4th lap


cut short for time


Mental Health check-in! My wife recently had a panic attack while I was away for work. Thank God for my mother and her being able to go over to sit with Kim for a while until it passed. I was able to finish my shift and get back home to be present for my wife. Oftentimes that is all that is needed for her and we find what works and what doesn’t to help her through the more intense days of heightened anxiety and depressive thoughts. We all struggle with different aspects of our mental well-being. In some capacity or another, everyone has challenges with mental health, even if we are not actively seeking direct help through counsel or medication. F3 has been referenced by many of us as a great practice for mental health and support in past CoTs and ramblings on rucks. For those of us who are struggling with mental health issues ourselves, or with our families, know that you are not alone. Thank God for this group of awesome and supportive and vulnerable men. It makes us strong and helps us to keep getting up every morning to better ourselves.