F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Sep. 12, 2024

Playground Play

Thu., Sep. 12, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Neura Park

Scratch n Sniff


13x per arm shoulder press 50lbs landmine
26 coupon curls
26 toolbox   calf raises
(switch weighted implement)
1 parking lot lap run as a group
(Repeat for 30 mins)


Last Saturday started off normally as I did my usual PreF3-routine and headed to pickleball.  Then, my wife texted that our dog Macy of 13 yrs was acting a little weird around 8:30.  When I got home, I brushed my dog and cut her nails. She had multiple strokes shortly after I finished,  then lost the ability to stand. The wife and kids got to say their goodbyes at home before I carried my dog up into my truck cab for what was to be our last ride together.  She was confused as to what was going on, but not in pain.  She had a couple more strokes at the vet that I’m glad my girls and wife didn’t have see.  The dr then confirmed it was time to make a decision and put her down.

I helped pick Macy out with my then-fiancée right after she was born, before we got married.  I got to hold Macy as she took her last breath.

In the days that followed, I thought about my F3 brothers a lot.  There are difficulties others in this group have endured and conquered that make my bad day look like a walk in the park.  Thank you all for sharing your stories and hearts over the years and giving me examples of strength to draw from to be there for my family. I have used that energy while I help the 3 girls in my house cope and grieve the loss of our goodest girl, Macy .

Life is short and can change on a dime. This was a dog, but it definitely applies to humans.  Don’t wait to tell those you love how you feel.  Love today. Don’t wait until tomorrow to start.