Climb the ladder
Mon., Oct. 18, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am
Some body movements then
Start at one sideline.
10 burpees
Run to other sideline and back
10 burpees
20 Bonnie Blaires
Run to other sideline and back
10 burpees
20 Bonnie Blaires
30 Merkins
Run to other sideline and back
10 burpees
20 Bonnie Blaires
30 Merkins
40 Squats
Run to other sideline and back
10 burpees
20 Bonnie Blaires
30 Merkins
40 Squats
50 mountain climbers
Run to other sideline and back
Big Boys
Butterfly Crunches
Piggybacking off of @Stark’s thoughts from last week. Embrace the suck. This workout sucked, but you all made it through. Do something that physically sucks every day. It will make you stronger physically and mentally. Also echoing @McGruber’s thoughts from last week that stuck with me all week which is to have fun and live life.
It was a pleasure to lead fellas.