F3 Medina
Wed., Dec. 29, 2021
Wed., Dec. 29, 2021 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
French Lick
Active warm-up included knee raises butt kickers and mosey back and forth to the 40 yard line or the 20 as @Radio recommended. Tappy taps IC on an ever-changing count.
Line up on the sideline every 5 yards:
10 Man makers, backpedal to the near hash, crawl-bear to the opposite hash, back pedal to the opposite sideline, 1 merkin: Side lunge right to the hash, bear crawl to the opposite hash, side lunge left to the opposite side line. Repeat with declining count of man makers and increasing count of merkins. Man makers and merkins equal 11.
Rabbit Pax finishing first find the six and finish out with them. Appreciate @Radio and @Shugah on my end of the field working in the last two rounds with me.
10 big boys with coupons at our feet for a controlled descent.
I AM – this is our gift from our Creator. How we finish the sentence is how will fulfill our own prophesy.
Know that you are deserving and finish your “I AM” positively.