F3 Medina
The Capper
Sat., Jun. 22, 2024
100, 70, 50
Sat., Jun. 22, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School
Big time props to @Wolowitz for his effort during his virgin BEEtdown, and to @Redman and @Mr. Clean for being SC, yet taking up the task!
We’ve done it a million times, but it always seems to deliver. PAX alternate doing exercises with Runs of 100, 70, and 40 yards with partner.
Exercises today:
OH Press
Chest Press
Bent Rows
Weighted Calf Raises
Alternating Lunges
LBCs x50, Side crunches x25 per side, Pickle Pointers x25
I piggy-backed on @Padre‘s thoughts yesterday. It being graduation season, I have three parties to attend today, so I thought it appropriate to keep the recent grads in our prayers. It’s a vastly different world economically, politically, socially, and militarily than it was in 1988, when I graduated from high school. Let’s hope these young adults make good decisions, and become leaders in their families, their communities, and their work places.