F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Apr. 11, 2022

Software Anniversary Beatdown Low Counrty Style

Mon., Apr. 11, 2022 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



Software Anniversary Beatdown Low Counrty Style
Workout compliments of my new friend Junior Varsity from F3 in Hilton Head.
Burpees x10
Run goal line to goal line
Monkey humpers x10
Bear crawl sideline to sideline
Merkins x10
Backwards run goal line to goal line
Seal jacks x10
Walking Lunges across goal line
Each round, increase the count per exercise by 10. The PAX did 3 rounds.


From a sign at a church “Faith is like a rubber band, it needs stretched”. This week is Holy Week so let’s spend time in God’s Word reading through the events from Jesus triumphant entry into Jerusalem all the way through his resurrection.
Lots of open Qs for April, if you haven’t led in awhile or ever, please sign up.