F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., Sep. 28, 2023

Stairway to Heaven - VQ

Thu., Sep. 28, 2023 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



With a partner…one person walks/runs/hops up the stairs and down while the other does either push-ups, leg raises, squats, and lunges x 3 rounds. Followed by 3 rounds of breathing exercises – 30 deep breaths followed by 1 minute breath hold followed by deep breath in and 15 second breath hold. If you had trouble holding your breath for a minute, practice this daily till you can get to a minute and beyond. It does wonders for your cardiovascular efficiency and general well-being. I like doing it right before bed…you’ll sleep like a baby. Great job today!!


Word of the day comes from Ecclesiastes in the bible…the author, who is advanced in years, looks back on his life and what he’s observed. He’s experienced all that life has to offer…wealth, food, drink, women, travel…all the desires of a man’s heart. And he concludes that it is all a “chasing after the wind”…”meaningless”. Do you ever feel that way? I know I do from time to time. Chasing after these things leaves you ultimately unsatisfied and always wanting more but not being able to attain it. The encouragement of these passages is that if you focus less on these things and do whatever you do for God and his glory, you WILL be satisfied. There is a sense of relief and a weight off your shoulders knowing you don’t have to perform all the time. You can just be and enjoy the blessings God has given us all…our families, ability to work, ability to exercise, ability to help and love other, and opportunities to enjoy the fruits of our labor. Thank you for the opportunity to lead today…it’s a privilege and honor.