F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., Mar. 12, 2024

Simple Stuff...Until It's Not

Tue., Mar. 12, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Motivator from 5, then…

As many rounds as you can complete of the following (once you pick up the coupon, you can’t set it down until clear) while listening to a workout mix (which ended up being 6 straight Creed songs because someone forgot to hit the shuffle button)1 weighted Surrender
2 curls
3 overhead presses
4 squats

Finished with a Motivator from 5


I’ve had an extremely stressful couple of weeks and I’ve been letting the stress get the best of me and I’m not enjoying life. Last week consisted of traveling to Mansfield on Tuesday and Friday for my younger daughter’s basketball. Traveling to Wheeling WV on Thursday, Saturday and Sunday for my older daughters basketball. And putting our 11 year old dog down on Wednesday. The stress continues this Friday as my younger daughter plays in Dayton for the State semifinals at 1pm and my older daughter plays in the NCAA tournament on Friday in Erie, PA at 2:30pm. All this stress is causing me to lose the enjoyment of these great moments. I need to slow down and savor this time and not get so stressed about everything.