F3 Brunswick

Watershed Wallop

Thu., Feb. 29, 2024

Leap Day

Thu., Feb. 29, 2024 / 05:45 am - 06:30 am / Neura Park

Mr. Pibb


4 Pax @Squid @Shugah @Scratch ‘n Sniff @Mr. Pibb (Q) took on the sudden tempeture change on this Leap day.
Rotated stations 45 seconds of work, 25 seconds of rest.

Stations included:
Squats- with a coupon
Curls with resistance bands
Tricep extensions with resistance bands
1 leg Press with a picnic table
Line jumps
Side Sraddle Hops
Farmer carry 2 kettle bells


Pax took 2 turns calling out exercises.

Including- (2)LBC’s one with 5 second hold at the top, Planks, 1 legged Pickle pointers, Flutter kicks, Rope climbers, 2-5 leg swings and 1 I can’t seem to recall.


Thank you gentlemen for letting me let today!
We have been trying to incorporate family time into our busy schedules. Movie night, Art night and Game night mostly. With the weather warming up this week, I announced to the family that I was going to take the dog for a walk. Work has been stressful and the dog needs exercise.
My daughter gets upset and says “Dad, you never want to participate in art night.” To be honest, I am not much of an artist. I said I will participate in Art night with you as long as it is outside.
We decided to draw with sidewalk chaulk in the driveway. Each independently working on our pieces but spending time and having fun.  Great times were had by all, the stress melted away when I could see how much she was enjoying just sitting in the driveway with me while my wife and son played with the dog.
The point of this COT is to find your “Art night” and Participate in it, you won’t regret it.