F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Jan. 22, 2024


Mon., Jan. 22, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



neck rolls, proud chest and collapse, turn and bounce, tappy taps, Imperial Walkers, flamingos and Bear squats


Motivator with various coupon exercises.  Started with full motivator from 10, then 10 each Merkins,  coupon squats, coupon swings, overhead press, curls, dips or tricep extensions, Alpos. Back to Motivator from 9 then 9 reps of same exercises, then Motivator from 8 and 8 reps, rinse and repeat down to Motivator from 4 and 4 reps.  Also Farmer carried coupons around the parking lot playing chicken with the plow truck driver who had no predictable pattern for salting this morning.


TOD is from a quote I saw “If you are feeling like you need to be lifted up, lift someone else up!”  This hit home for me as I always get in a mood this time of year (winter/tax season) and failed to see my M struggling with life’s happenings around her. When I stopped to lift her up,  I was lifted too. The F3 mantras of leave no man behind and pick up the six do the same thing. Lifting others up when we may need lifted ourselves.