F3 Copley
The Motivator
Mon., Dec. 16, 2024
Sweet 16...
Mon., Dec. 16, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School
Exercises were merkins and squats jumps at opposite goal lines. The exercises always added up to 16 (ex 15 merkins and 1 Squat Jump, 14 Merkins and 2 Squat jumps, etc.)
Run the hundred yards in between with a brief break at the 50 for 1 burpee each way
Quote from Brian Thome’s Move Devotional book. “Some types of sharks have to keep swimming in order to stay alive. Once they stop moving, they begin to suffocate. That’s also true for followers of Jesus. We have to keep moving to stay alive. We have to want more in our relationship with Christ. We have to want more for our future. Life is a fight, and only the faithful will finish strong.”
This quote really hit me because I feel I’ve been in a season where I’ve been stuck and really need to get unstuck.