F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., Apr. 18, 2024

The Old Fashioned CLR...

Thu., Apr. 18, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Start at goal line, Bearcrawl to the 10, walking Lunge to the 50, run to the goal line, mosey back.
Bearcrawl to the 20, walking Lunge to the 50, run to the goal line, mosey back.
Bearcrawl to the 30, walking Lunge to the 50, run to the goal line, mosey back.
Bearcrawl to the 40, walking Lunge to the 50, run to the goal line, mosey back.
Bearcrawl to the 50, run to the goal line, mosey back.
Rinse and repeat


I saw this picture while scrolling through social media that made me stop and think.  The plan I have for my life looks way different and way easier than the plan God chose for me, but his plan is the one that is perfect and will make me better.