F3 Hudson

The OG

Sat., May. 4, 2024

7 of Diamonds / Jacob's Ladder

Sat., May. 4, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Christ Community Chapel

Trail Boss


SSHs, Happy Taps, Turn ’n Bounce, Arm Circles, Chainbreakers


7 of Diamonds

Back lot, each corner:
7 Burpess
14 Merkins
21 Squats
28 Sit ups

Jacob’s Ladder

Hill by playground:
Sprint hill, 1 burpee, jog down, sprint hill, 2 burpees… repeat to 7 burpees.


Rosalita (high Dolly), LBCs, Dying Cockroach, Flutter Kick, Gas Pump, Hold ‘em Up


Stillness is the key. We live in a world that wants our attention 24/7. Challenge yourself to find 5-10 minutes everyday, alone, with no distraction, in prayer or meditation. Clarity comes when you’re are still.