F3 Stow

Bulldog Beatdown

Thu., Aug. 1, 2024

Pain w Pulte

Thu., Aug. 1, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Full body workout with a twist.  Start at goal line and drag and drop coupon down field every 10 yards.  At each 10 yard we did an exercise for 60 seconds.  Exercises were presses, big boys, squats, curls, flutter kicks, lunges, rows, Russian twists, leg raises.  After making it entire way down field we farmer carried coupons back to under bleachers.


what is your why.  Why do we do what we do.  Why do we spend our time, talent and treasure how we do.  Reminded that we are called to use all we have to love God and love others well.