F3 Stow

The Motivator

Tue., Aug. 13, 2024

Let’s Go

Tue., Aug. 13, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Woodridge High School



Pax partnered up and performed a Dora style workout. One partner ran to the 50 yard line, did 2 Burpees and ran back to the goal line. The other partner chipped away at the following exercises (some teams finished 2 rounds):

100/50 Merkins
100/50 OH Presses
100/50 Big Boys
100/50 Curls
100/50 Squats


In this weekend’s service, Pastor Jeff made some pretty simple statements that challenged me. Christianity is not built on the foundation of a book, it is built on the foundation of an event (the resurrection of Christ). If Jesus rose from the dead, he is God. If Jesus is still dead, he is a fraud.

I completely believe in the above statement and 100 percent believe Jesus raised from the dead. So why do I complicate and get hung up on so much???