F3 Copley

The Tomahawk

Sat., Aug. 3, 2024

Ultimate FNG Frisbee

Sat., Aug. 3, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Copley High School



Shortened game of ultimate due tonscrambling to find a field. We played on grass like savages and ended up with minimal injuries and FNG Bo taking down the game winning touchdown.


God led the Israelites through all sorts of madness right up to the promised land and while everyone agreed it was all God had promised and everyone agreed that the giants living on the land were not going to go down easily, only 2 of the 10 men that were put in place to lead trusted that God would fulfill His promise. The Israelites lost an entire generation because of that one decision. As men we’re leading all the time and we need to walk our talk. We’re either going to take God at His word when the going gets tough, or we’re going to wuss out and take others with us. Lean on Christ and push each other to do the hard things men; there’s no other way to do what we’ve been tasked to do. Thanks for letting me lead, and walking alongside me on this journey.