F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Aug. 12, 2024


Mon., Aug. 12, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School



4×20 SSH, Neck Rolls, Arm circles, Tappytaps, Mosey lot


6×6 Toe Taps using curb, then onto field where pax performed several drills to the 20 yard line; frankenwalks, lunges, carioca, fast feet, Garth Brooks walk, Squat jumps then onto;

5 man Sled…10min..nuff said


Pigeon stretch each leg, glute stretch, quad stretch, Big Boys x 50, Oblique crunches x 15, flutter kicks x 20(4ct)


My words this morning centered around having patience (which I have none).  My running has started to improve which I noticed this weekend.  If 6 weeks ago you had told me I would be doing this mileage where I am at now, I would have laughed.   But being consistent with the workouts, starting slow and slowly progressing is where success starts.  This requires PATIENCE, have faith in the plan and results will come.