F3 Copley

The Motivator

Mon., Jul. 29, 2024

4 corners of fun (mainly merkins)

Mon., Jul. 29, 2024 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am / Copley High School

Icy Hot


4 corners of fun (mainly merkins).  Moseyed (not ran) to each corner of the lot and performed 50 merkins (25/15/10 sets) and 1 additional exercise.  Corner 1, added 20 coupon curls. Corner 2 – 30 squats. Corner 3 – 40 air presses. Corner 4 – 50 SSHs.  Completed 7 stations for a total 350 merkins and the other stuff too!


Thought of the day is from my experiences this weekend.  My 4 takeaways on why I had the best experience so far, this year.  I believe these have application for all of us.

Be present – I was able to focus on my individual leg and absolutely enjoy the moment and scenery

Be grateful- Instead of wondering why I was doing this and thinking “how much longer?”, I was grateful for the health and opportunity to run in such a beautiful setting.

Be prepared- the many training runs and trails and Qs over the past year with the F3 brothers more than prepared.  (Also, when starting your leg after 7:30, always have a headlamp)

Challenge yourself with something new – my schedule caused me to move from leg 1 to 7 this year and that “newness” made all the difference and helped freshen the experience.

#5 reason (I know, I said 4) is this group – those that participated directly and those that challenged each other at Qs throughout the year.  Iron sharpens iron.