F3 Medina

Ruckin' Around

Tue., Mar. 4, 2025


Tue., Mar. 4, 2025 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / Medina Square



@UniBaller gave me great guilt over the fact that my backblasts have fallen off a bit.  I apologize.
@Radio pulled into the Square to flashing blues, as Medina’s finest had pulled over one of our infamous Square speeders, only to realize it was @Wolowitz with a puppy  and an  of coke.  @Cadet had pulled up on the scene, pulled his sidearm from his console, and offered to assist the officer.  @McCracken was huddled in a stairwell,  being consoled by @Focker  @Shugah was caught flexing on the corner, post Arnold. After a call was placed to @Squealer, bond was paid, and we got on to the ruck.  @Dash, fully recovered from yesterday’s back issues, came bounding out of his truck like a spring fawn.  @Garmin came across the Square like a ninja, dude just needs to carry a sword with him….or at least a scabbard.  But wait, he doesn’t want to be a .  @Churchill and @Altar Boy pulled up after their usual Monday night sleepover.  Nothing to see here.  @Redman became the first rucker to in the woods along the trail, and still managed to catch up to the pack.  He’s just lucky our two ladies didn’t happen along at the right time.  He might still be in the woods.   The views presented in this backblast are those of @Radio, and may or maynot reflect reality.