F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Thu., Apr. 20, 2023
Medina Square
Thu., Apr. 20, 2023 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina High School
7 Pax @Dash @Churchill @Picabo @Shugah @Fireball @Forrest @Cadet embarked on a route of 3.2 that left people smoked. Finalizing another lap on the square, had a pace of 3.8MPH. Various twists and turns through the streets of Medina this morning and luckily didn’t have any kind of incident that typically @Radio has to move his feet quickly for.
@Picabo and @Cadet lead the group and had numerous topics to cover that stretched from career moves to military service to getting our wives to the range and ultimately having our daughters go to college saying they dropped a deer in the woods.
Fun fact that was learned today, they sell gas station heroin nowadays. Caught a glimpse on the news this am before the start. Currently 9 states ban it and Ohio is one of them. Pennsylvania is soon to follow with the ban. @Picabo has never been stunned before like that from hearing what other amazing items you can obtain from the local Pilot station. @Dash @Shugah and @Churchill had a good conversation going on but we were to involved with gas station consumables to eavesdrop as @Radio does.
Speaking of, @Radio on deck for tomorrow