F3 Medina

The Capper

Sat., Jun. 8, 2024

Stairs Suck So Hard

Sat., Jun. 8, 2024 / 07:00 am - 08:00 am / Medina High School



x5 of every drill with the exception of manmakers
-Manmakers (ALWAYS x5)
-Bent Rows
-Curls for the Girls
-Lunges (1 is 1)
-Goblet Squats
Wait in plank for the 6 (Q called random plank types until ready to run)
1 flight of stairs HARD

x10 of every drill
2 flights of stairs HARD

x15 of every drill
3 flights of stairs HARD

x20 of every drill
4 flights of stairs HARD


6 minutes of 30sec McGillicutty drills for core and back strength.


Luke 15 – the parable of the lost son.

I am starting to experience more challenging problems with my kids as they get older. Most specifically, and fairly recently, I was dealing with the new challenge of educating my son on the “rabbit hole” of pornographic material on the internet. My goal is to teach my kids to respect their own bodies, educate them on the proper use of their electronics and encourage them to come to me with any questions about such particular and potentially dangerous topics as their sexual health and pornography.  Because my boys both have autism and ADHD respectively, they challenge me in ways I never thought I would have to be challenged as a parent. This is certainly a learning experience for me as I struggle to find the best way to dish out consequences for bad behavior, loving support in times of uncertainty, and ethical structure to guide future actions. What is the best way to handle all this?!? I can’t help but think about the story of the prodigal son and the most important take away for me in the verses is that the father at the end of the parable RAN out to his son, and welcomed him with open arms. He RAN to his son. He didn’t wait for the son to get through the door or berate him for spending his inheritance on lavish living. He forgave him and welcomed him home and celebrated that his son was lost and then was found again. I want to be this type of father for my kids. I want to be the role model, the guiding force, the protector for them in times of trouble and in times of uncertainty.  Meeting my kids where they are at, knowing what they are going through the best way I can, and finding a way to reach them and guide them towards what is right is the ultimate goal.