F3 Medina
Ruckin' Around
Tue., Jan. 23, 2024
Tue., Jan. 23, 2024 / 06:00 am - 07:00 am / Medina Square
Seven PAX hit the garage for a less than scenic 3.01 miles. @Dash @Padre @Churchill @Rad @Shugah @Cadet @Radio managed to keep their sixes off the sidewalk, thanks to some pre ruck scouting by yours truly. The seven of us skated our way towards the Jefferson & Liberty garage entrance, with @Churchill noting early that we should “walk on the street”. Funky Cold Medina was basically a skating rink this morning. After some initial groans about the AO, we settled into a more than brisk pace surrounded by some lovely concrete. @Cadet alerted us to the fact that schools are on a two hour delay. Savvy move in my opinion. Speaking of savvy, @Padre was giving a tutorial on the technique used to pour the concrete for the garage. He gave tips about placing weep holes, expansion joints, and the pros and cons of using road salt on the upper level. Fascinating stuff! We apologize to @Baller (@uniballer for those of you with any sense of honor to the F# code), as @Churchill refuses to pick him up until he changes his name back.