F3 Medina
Smoking the Ruck Out of It
Thu., Feb. 22, 2024
Thu., Feb. 22, 2024 / 05:52 am - 06:52 am / parking garage
A half dozen ruckers chose to take the action under cover. @Dash @Decoy @Shugah @Padre @Dash @Radio got in 3.15 miles in the parking garage, and the conversation was so good, we didn’t even get dizzy.
@Shugah made the above observation before we all got there, which led to many questions. How did they not notice that when they hung the sign? How has no one brought it up since? How did WE not notice it when we rucked here in December? So many questions, so few answers. @Padre and @Shugah paired up in what can only be deemed a meeting of the minds. Way too much there to divulge. @Cadet and @Decoy were involved in some good convo, including this gem from @Cadet: “I’m not a psychiatrist!” When you pick up bits and pieces of @Cadet, you can’t help but be entertained. Speaking of being entertained, @Radio took his rightful place beside @Dash, and though we didn’t hold hands, we did bump arms a couple times. @Dash talked me off the ledge, as I was told yesterday that I have to take a 25% paycut for the next 90 days. This story will probably make its way into a COT near you. It’s great to have buddies to lean on at times like this. It’s not the end of the world, but it does make things a bit tighter for a while. I think I’ll only be able to drink when @Cadet invites me to the VFW!
Congrats to @Shugah on a personal best benchpress!