F3 Medina
Wed., Dec. 11, 2024
Bears, blocks, and bangs
Wed., Dec. 11, 2024 / 06:00 am - 06:45 am / Medina High School
Neck roll
Shoulder stretch
Tricep stretch
Downward Dog focus on calves)
Runners stretch
Catchers stretch
Start at goal line with coupons
Block at feet, bear crawl position. Pull block to head, b nearback crawl til block is back between your feet, continue to 50yd. Alternate hands to pull block through
Big Bang. ( at midfield)
Start in plank, Q yells “bang” PAX goes 10 yds to complete exercise.
Run back to midfield stopping at each 10 yds to repeat exercise
Repeat 20, 30, 40, 50 yds/reps OYO
10- burpees
20- merkins
30- Alternating side squats
40- Mountain climbers (L/R = 1)
50- LBC’s (25 left,25 right)
Calf raises w/coupon John Cusack style x25
Curls for the girls x 25
Tricep extensions x 20
Bears and bricks back to end zone
10 Big Boys
20 Pickle Pointers
30 American Hammers. Cs alpha count pop
25 Flutter kicks alpha count
50 Zombie Crunches (25L, 25R)
“God’s got me here for something. I can feel it. I was born for everything that I’m doing now.” – Muhammad AliThis is about us and looking for and trusting what God wants us to do. It’s the age old question that people have been asking themselves, why am I here? What’s my purpose? Sometimes we don’t get an answer til much later in life. An example is God going to Moses to preach his word and lead his people. Moses was hesitant despite all the signs God showed him that he existed yet it took a while for Moses to embrace what God‘s plan for him was and to fully deliver his message. We just need to look at the signs around us. It’s not always clear or right in our faces. We need to look in places we normally wouldn’t think of.