
Thu., Jan. 7, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


Full Body Warmup


Sets of 10, 15, 20 and 15

Glute bridge March
Reverse snow angles w/ bricks
Merkins w/ bricks
Dips w/ bricks
L-sit to Bridge
Jump squats

Motivator 5 count w/ bricks between each set


elbow plank brick touch – 20 (single count)
Pass the butter – 20 (4 count)
Big boy situps – 20


Invite for schvitz on 1/22 – spots open contact @Dr. Claw
@Hardware Sunday slow pace run in prep for Burning river. More info in blast to be posted by @Hardware.
Praises / Congrats – @JonBoy as they get set to welcome Lil miss JonBoy 🙂
Praises / Congrats – @Hanson on fellowship match with Suma for sports health.

Let not weight loss be the goal. Weight loss is a “doing” goal. Have for yourself a “Becoming” goal. For me it was Become fit to have stamina to play with my daughter. Become a leader in the spheres of my influence. God is calling us to Become more like Him – lets submit to His call.
Encourage those around you – in F3, family, work and other spheres you find yourself in. I know if @Hardware had not encouraged me I would not have run the 10 miler. A word of encouragement can build up a person and have immense ripple effect.

It was an honor to lead you guys. Thank you for keeping the cadence while i faltered.