Eskimo Run, Mushing & THOR

Sun., Feb. 21, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


Full Body warmup


Eskimo Run – 2 laps around track- like an Indian run but it’s in the deep snow and nobody likes it….. some of the reviews: “the hardest thing I have attempted at F3, the Eskimo Run!”, “part of me died today”, “meh” and the insinuation was made that an evil snowman was part of planning the workout:joy:.

-Mushing – like a wheelbarrow run but instead of walking on hands a sled was used as a ski.  Teams made it to the 50 yard line switched places and returned to goal line.  Then 20 man makers- repeated mushing – then 30 double pump squats – repeated mushing – 20 single leg pushups- mushing – 15 man makers–1 lap eskimo run


– Captain Thor – 1 big boy followed by 4 pass- the-butters, repeated adding 1 and 4 reps – built up to 10 big boys and 40 pass- the- butters.


Thought – let’s keep our sense of wonder and adventure. The winter and the snow we have right now gives us the opportunity to experience our environment in a different way. It gives us new challenges and ways to workout. Let’s not lose the spark of adventure to appreciate it. Sometimes life takes that from us. Let’s not let it happen. Prayer and reflection are great ways to gain/regain it.
Thanks for following me today men.