“Classical” full body work out

Sat., May. 15, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


Neck Rolls (yes I do know how to do them), Arm Circles (Forward/Backwards) X15, Michael Phelps, Waist Bends, Tappy Taps, Sun Salutation


Partner Work on the Hill:  Pax1 sprints up the hill, Pax2 SSH switch repeat, 2 rounds each (bonus points for sliding down the hill)Moseyed to the Football FieldOYO 100 Yard Challenge
-Lunge from goal line to goal line stopping every 10 yards for 5 Merkins
-Crab Walk goal line to goal line stopping every 10 years for 5 Big Boys
-Broad Jump goal line to goal line stopping every 10 yards for 5 Merkins
-Bear Crawl goal line to goal line stopping every 10 yards for 5 Pickle Pointers
-Final 100 yard in Cadence – 50% run stopping every 10 yards for 2 Burpees in cadenceFor those who keeping track for the Miles and Merkins challenge, total 100 Merkins


TAPs for @SloMo co-worker who is have tumors removed from his spine, luckily they are benign but the surgery will be challenging. TAPs for @Marcus Bentley (Hot Rocks) son to keep him on track for the Airforce during this time between high school and his start date. TAPs for @Big Ben that his surgery goes well and he gets back on the triathlon training path soon.
Thought of the day, it is really easy to tell other how to solve their problems, but it takes a true leader to listen and allow others to work through their problems on their own time line. Patience is often overlooked as a leadership quality, but it can be the most important one.