Coupon Fun
Fri., Jun. 18, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am
Start at goal line, Run with coupon to the 20 yard line, set coupon down and do 20 LBCs, run backwards to the opposite goal line and do 20 plank jacks, run forward back to coupon and do 20 shoulder taps, pickup coupon and run back to goal line you started at.Every round – add 20 yards to the distance you run with coupon keeping all exercises the same.Repeat until cleared.
With my oldest son getting ready to become an adult in less than 2 weeks and then heading off to college in August, I have spent a lot of time worrying about things. I was reading a devotional yesterday that hit me hard…
There are 2 days you should never spend a lot of time thinking about: yesterday and tomorrow. Many of us are crucified with two thieves. On the right is Yesterday, and on the left is Tomorrow.
God doesn’t want us worrying about the past, and He certainly doesn’t want us worrying about tomorrow. In Matthew 6:34, Jesus says “So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s troubles is enough for today.”
Prayers/Praises for all our F3 brothers out there that are dads as Fathers Day is Sunday. Prayers for my family and others traveling to and home from vacations this week.