Head, shoulders, knees and toes
Mon., Jul. 26, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am
Shared by the pax. Leadership is something we can all learn and grow in. Thanks for keeping it interesting, fellas.
The Thang: Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (HSKT)
Partner up.
Goal line with coupon per pair.
Man on goal line works on HSKT while partner runs to other goal line and back.
Work together to hit 200 reps each of:
Head – Shoulder press with coupon
Shoulders – Merkins on coupon
Knees – Twist lunges with coupon
Toes – Mountain climbers with toe taps (2 count)
Shared by the pax. Thanks @Valdez for picking burpees.
We have a plan for most things in our lives – work, fitness, projects… but do we have a plan for our spiritual lives? The Apostle Paul had it all – status, elevated position, power, money – and yet he said it was “garbage” compared to knowing Jesus. We must put a plan in place to grow in any relationship – wife, kids, friends, co-workers, etc. – and that’s especially true when it comes to God. (Philippians 3:4-11)
Put a plan together. Find the life that He’s offering us.
If you ever want to chat about this stuff or want resources to figure some of it out, let me know!