MaryAnne’s Mayhem
Sat., Oct. 2, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am
MaryAnne’s Mayem
200 curls
175 squats
150 presses
125 kettlebell swings
100 Merkins
75 thrusters
50 Bonnie Blairs
25 Blockees
Do 25 reps run 25 yds and do 3 Burpees run back, continue for 52min 30secs
Score=total rep accumulated
Prayers for all the kids tonight attending Homecoming and that they make good choices. Prayers for @FLO’s daughter in her academic pursuits.
Thought of the day occurred to me on Thursday when I botched a customers delivery. We all work and live in a forrest. And sometimes it can be difficult to see the trees that make up the forrest. I handle a thousand deliveries a day and most of the time they are just names and numbers on a screen. But after getting the call about this certain delivery and listening to the customer tell me that he was counting on that delivery. That not getting this shipment timely, ruined his month. I had to take a step back and remember the trees.
Thanks for the push this morning!