The Countdown

Thu., Oct. 28, 2021 / 05:30 am - 06:15 am


full body warmup


Mosey to field

Line up on the sideline
Mike Tysons / Inchworms
Big Boys
Apollo Ono’s
Dive Bombers
Bobby Hurleys – Jump Squat with fingertips touch the ground
Jack Webb
Started with 12 reps of all the exercises then a 100 yard run. Then 11 reps and a run, 10 reps and a run


Prayers for Dr Claw and his wife, who is pregnant, Comeback Kids brother who is in some legal struggle, Warm Waters family members who are having family issues, and Jon Boys family members having some health issues.
Message: Borrowed from Ryan Rodeman. Try to live each day as if Jesus were with us now,it will change your life and affect people around you.